Saturday, January 18, 2014

Joint Construction of Text Method

                        The third part is Joint Construction of Text (JCOT) is activity jointly between students and teacher or students and students. In this stage, the students and the teacher utilize knowledge (shared knowledge) they concern the text which have been developed in Modeling of Text to jointly produce the text verbally or written. For example, the students and teacher can joint, fill, or equip accident reporting (accident report form) which have been written in blackboard or decanted in OHT (overhead transparency) by utilizing case befalling one of the student. In other case, the teacher can provide reading, students joint to do something, they show their understanding.  For example, reorganize random picture.
                        Interaction in Join Construction of Text (JCOT) has characteristics of classical between students and teacher, but generally entangle students in pair (pair works), three (triads) or in small group (small groups, maximum 5 peoples). The teacher interaction with all students in class (teacher-students) and then student divided so that interaction by one another (students-students).
                        Learning activity (KBM) available to being developed in Join Construction of Text stage (JCOT) as follows: (a) oral discussion of text (solution of text verbally), (b) outlining schematic structure (make sketch of text format), (c) taking note exercises (noting important information), (d) drafting and editing exercises (practice design and repair text), (e) grouping/pair texts of parts of text (practice make text device or part of text in pair or team), (f) sequencing activities (practice reorganize part of text which have been random), (g) matching activities (practice matching name of part of text with contents of text), (h) discussion of text (solution of contents text), (i) discussion of oral versus written text (practice compare written language and oral language), (j) discussion of relationship between writer and reader (practice differentiate the relation of reader and writer in many text types), (k) discussion of vocabulary (practice vocabulary relevant, and (l) exercise for reading and writing strategies (practice related to strategy communication) (Yusra, 2007).
                                Purpose of wishing reached in Join Construction of Text (JCOT) as follows: (a) give additional aid to students before their self-supporting produce text, (b) give opportunity to students for utilizing technical term of linguistics which have introduced in Modeling of Text (MOT), (c) give opportunity to the students for discussing the type of the text which is taught, (d) the application of skills and knowledge which have been taught, (e) give opportunity to teacher for assessing ability and skills of students before assigning them for producing text self-supporting, (f) give opportunity to students for consciously example of model text when new text produced.

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