Saturday, January 18, 2014

Recount Texts Method

1.      The Meaning of Recount Texts

Recount text is a story telling, either fictional or factual. Fictional recount text is familiar to us from pleasure reading (novel, short stories, etc) television and film viewing. Meanwhile, factual recount text also tells a story is true, it actually happens to the writer. (Sani, 2005: 12)
According to Muhammad (1997: 26) states that recount is the telling or relating occurrence or series of events is a story. What makes a recount text different from a simple chronological listing is the writer use of details, reasons, and examples. That make episode come alive for the reader, giving a sense of immediacy and  sense of having been at the scene.
The recount text really brings the reader into the experience by providing details that give the sense of an action with complication  and resolution the reader can understand the feeling and reaction of the expectant.
Recount text is the mode of discourse that a present a sequence of event accruing over period of time, in telling story or relating events, it is useful organize the events in chronological order. (Nuruddin, 2005: 19).

2.      Composition Skills of Recount Text Writing

In composition recount text writing emphasize at adverbial clauses of time that is used to make relationship between two clauses clearer and tighter and adverbial clauses of time classifies and tightens the time the relationship of two clause adverbial. Clauses of time do not just express time alone, they express time in relation to the independence clause in the sentence. The time in adverbial clause of  time occur simultaneously with before or after the time in independent clause. (Heaton, 1981: 52)
The time sequence in the adverbial clause of time are:
a.       While: while, as. These subordinators often indicate that the action is in progress, therefore, the progressive tenses are frequently used with them. When the progressive is used in this adverbial clause, the simple tenses are often used in the independent clause.
b.      Before. These subordinators are used to indicate that the time in the adverbial clause occurs before or after the action in the independent clause.
c.       Until. These subordinators indicate that the time in the adverbial clause signals the end of the time in the independent clause.
d.      Since. These subordinators are used to indicate that the action in the independent clause began at the moment indicated in the adverbial clause and continuous in the present. The simple past is usually used in the adverbial clause; the perfect tenses are used in the independent clause.
e.       As soon as. These subordinators are used to indicate that the action in the independent clause will take place upon completion of the action in the adverbial clause. When is used less frequently in this way, if you want to make it clear that the action in the dependent clause will take place right after the action the adverbial clause, use as soon as or the moment that.

Discovery method

a. Discovery method

      Discovery method is mental process where students are able to assimilating one concept or principle. The mental processes are observing, accepting, understanding, organizing, estimating, measuring, explaining, making conclusions. Roestiyah NK,and Yumiati S,(1985:20). Base on the statement of the experts above, we can say that, in this technique students are free to discover by themselves and experience the mental process itself actively. Teachers just advise and give instructions to the students in finding a certain concept and principle.
Furthermore, Dr. J. Richard and his assistant try students self learning method, this method change the situation of teacher dominated learning become students dominated learning. By using discovery learning, is a teaching way that involves the students in the process of mental activity through, discussion, seminar, reading and trying by themselves. So the student can learn by themselves.
The using of this discovery technique is teachers are trying to increase student’s activities in teaching and learning process. These techniques have some spatiality or advantages.

b. The advantages of discovery method

1.      This technique enables to help student to develop themselves, increasing preparation, and creativity mastery in cognitive process or students’ introduction.
2.      Students get knowledge with very personal characteristic or individually characteristic, so can stay permanently as basic in the soul of the students.
3.      Discovery method can increase student’s ambitions to study.
4.      This technique gives opportunity to the student in developing their talents ability.
5.      This technique is able to give students direction to study more active and have strong motivation to study.
6.      Help students to strong and add student’s self confidence in discovery self process.
7.      The strategy was concentration to the students not teachers. Teachers just play as a friend in study and helping when she/he was needed by the student.
Roestiyah. NK.(1985:20-21)

c. The disadvantages of discovery method

1.      For the students, they should have the preparation and maturation of mental to this study way. Students should be brave and have ambition to know about the environmental condition.
2.      If the class was to big the use of this technique will not be optimal.
3.      For the teacher and student that usually use the planning and traditional teaching in study, probably they will be disappointed if it is exchanged with discovery method.
4.      According to other peoples, this mental process was too significant to the process of understanding only. Not too significant in the forming of student’s attitude and creativity.
5.      This technique probably didn’t give students opportunity to think creatively.
Roestiyah. NK.(1985:21)

 d. Steps in using discovery method

Glistraf in laili (2005:27) states that there are twenty steps that must be faced by the teacher if they use discovery method. it can be simplified as follows:
1.      The correct identification.
2.      Selection of preface toward principles, concept understanding and generalization that will be studied.
3.      Material selection and assignment problem.
4.      Helping clearly:
a)      Duty that will be learned
b)      The role of  every students
5.      Preparation of class setting and equipment needed.
6.      Recheck student understands toward problem that will be solved and student’s duty.
7.      Help students with information, if needed by the student.
8.      Give an opportunity for the students to do discovery.
9.      Managing own analysis with question that direction to the identification process.
10.  Stimulate the interactions among students.
11.  Praising and support the most active students in discovery process.
12.  Help students in finding principle and generalization from discovery result.

The use of discovery method is to motivate student to study hard to get the best mark, this method is seldom to use because of the tools of study and facility that support the material is difficult to prepare. This method also needs more intensive advice for the students.
The use of this method has certain specialty. Earlier, many teacher uses this method in teaching, discovery method is one of teaching method that already chosen by the teacher in advance school, the discovery method are:
1)      Discovery method is one of the ways to devolve the way of student active in thinking.
2)      By found out by them selves, the result that obtain will be solid and keep stay in their soul and mind forever.
3)      The understanding that found by them selves was easy to transfer in other situation.
4)      By discovery method, Children will master one of scientific method that can be developed by them selves.
5)      By discovery method, young learner will learn to think analysis and solve problem by them selves, and behavior will transfer into society life.  B.Suryasubroto,in laili, (2005:29)
Base on the statement of expert above, discovery method is one of the teaching method that can make students active in thinking, study individually, and analyze way out by them selves, so this experience can be transferred in to their attitude in real life, become good personality and full of confidence. 

Inquiry method

a. Inquiry Method

      Inquiry method is an English language word. It is a technique or a way that used by the teacher to transfer knowledge in teaching and learning process. Inquiry method is teaching strategy to get student’s attention and make them active in searching, investigating a certain problem Roestiyah NK (1985:75-76)
      Hilda taba in Laily(2005:18) states that Inquiry is teaching strategy that focus to the student that give more form of children education.
      Base on the statement of the experts above we can conclude that, Inquiry is teaching strategy that focus to the students to make them more active in searching, investigating a certain problem with education guidance from teacher.

b. The advantages of inquiry method

a.       Inquiry method can develop (self concept) to student’s soul, so students able to understand about base concept and ideas.
b.      Helpful in remembering and transferring knowledge the situation of teaching process.
c.       As a students’ motivation to think and work base on their own initiative, objective, honestly, and open attitude.
d.      Give motivation to the students to think intuitively and able to formulate their own hypothesis.
e.       Give intrinsic satisfaction to the students.
f.       Situation of teaching and learning process become more interesting.
g.      It can develop the talent of individual.
h.      Give the students freedom to study by themselves.
i.        avoid students’ study traditionally.
j.        It can give very enough times to students in study, furthermore they can apply in real life information they get from what they learn.
In learning process students need times to use their brain to think and get the understanding about concept, principle, and technique to investigate a certain problem. Roestiyah NK (1985:76-77).

c. The disadvantages of inquiry method

a.       Replacing the common way of study was not easy to do.
b.      In practicing this method, it need many preparation of resource of study and complete study material facilities, usually hard to obtain.
c.       In the classical system with many students, the use of this method was not easy to develop. Drs Udin S. Winataputra, MA. (1993/1994:225)

d. Steps in using inquiry method

According to roestiyah NK (1985:78-79) there are eight steps in using inquiry method:
a.       Guidance action means, in teaching and learning process Teacher provides many clues to the student, where students do experiments, investigation to find concepts or principle which was legalized by the teacher.
b.      Inquiry modification means, teacher just provide problems and material or instrument that will be needed in doing problem solving individually or groups. The helps that may be allowed must be form of questions that can make student to think and able to decide the appropriate way of good investigation.
c.       The freedom of inquiry means, after students study and understand about how to solve a problem and get enough information about the material of study also already do inquiry modification, students already set to do activity of inquiry freedom, where students are invited to involved themselves in the activity of inquiry freedom. Furthermore students can able to identified, formulated various kinds of problems studied.
d.      Inquiry role approaching. Means, students are involved in the process of problem solving that agrees with the expert way. an invitation give a problem to the students, and with question that already planed carefully, invite students to do some activities such as : planning the experiment, formulating the hypothesis, determining the management, and so on.
e.       Invitation to inquiry. Means, activity of learning process those device students in to group or team each team consist of four members to solve a problem. Each member have different role duty such as: coordinator team, technical advisor, data record, measurement process. Each member of team describing of the role above. Work together to solve problem related to the topic that will be studied.
f.       Puzzle with picture. Means, one of the technique to develop student motivation and attention in small or big group discussion. Picture, ostentation or the real situation, can be use to increase the way of creative and critics thinking of students.
g.      Synectics Leasson. Means, the function of this approach is to stimuli the creative talent of the student. Example science and advance knowledge of language literature, said that emotion, affectivity, element of creative eras ional, at the formula it is more important than rational thinking. Basically “synectics” focus to the student role to make various kinds of figure of speech to open the intelligences and develop the effort of creativity. It can be carry out because “figure speech “can help in letting go the “mental structure unit “in facing a problem, it can support the appearance of creative ideas.
h.      The clearly of measurement. Means, in teaching and learning process we need to do advanced evaluation about the advantages of this approach. Especially that related to the student’s attitude, values, and the formed of “self concept” of the students. In the fact, by inquiry method students can able to do their assignments better and cognitively.

To use this method optimally with good result, it needs conditions as follows:
a.       Flexible conditions, free to do interactions.
b.      Responsive environment condition.
c.       Helpful condition to center attention.
d.      Freedom of pressure condition.
In inquiry technique the roles of teachers are:
a.       Getting students interest and challenge the student to think.
b.      Giving the student flexibility and freedom to take action and develop their soul.
c.       Giving supported to “inquiry”
d.      Determine and diagnose student’s difficulties and help them to solve them.
e.       Identified and use “teach able moment” as best as possible.
Something that needs to be stimulated in teaching and learning process through inquiry are:
a.       Student’s autonomy.
In this point, the students are expected to be able to understand the material is being taught.
b.      The freedom and supported to the students.
In this case, the students are free in expressing their own ideas and the teacher supports them in conducting the teaching and learning process.
c.       Open attitude.
Between the teacher and students are closely in getting the problem when the teaching and learning runs.
d.      Self-confidence and aware of dignity.
In conducting the teaching and learning process, the students must have high self-confidence and aware of dignity when the teacher asks them to do and understand the material is being taught.
e.       Self-concept.
Each student, in this point, should have self-concept to get the successful in his or her target in learning. 
f.       Inquiry experience, come in to problems.
The students are able to overcome the problem through learning strategy that is concentrated to the activity in the process of teaching and learning.
                             Roestiyan. NK and  Dra. Yumiati suharto, (1985: 77 – 80)

Questioning Strategies

The most important key to create an interactive learning is the initiation of interaction from the teacher by using question, Brown (2001:169). Appropriate questioning can fulfill a number of different functions, such as:
1.    Teacher questions give students the opportunity to produce language comfortably without having to risk initiating language themselves. It is very scary for the students to have to initiate conversation or topics for discussion.
2.    Teacher question can serve to initiate a chain reaction of students interaction among themselves. 
3.    Teacher questions giving immediate feedback about students’ comprehension.
4.    Teacher questions provide students with opportunities to find out what they think. As they are nudged into responding to questions about, say, a reading, they can discover what their own opinions and reactions are. This self-discovery can be especially useful for a pre-reading activity.     
        Perhaps the simplest way to conceptualize the possibilities is to think of a range of questions, beginning with display questions that attempt to elicit information already known by the teacher and the students. In this study, the writer interested to use pre-questioning in order to make the general frame of the knowledge.  

Independent Construction of Text Method

                        The last part is Independent Construction of Text (ICOT), it is domination and ability of students to target skills (goals competences) assessed and evaluated. In this phase, students must use their knowledge concerning text type to be able to produce similar text type. In the scientific term, students should construct new text after deconstruct and reconstruct text model in Modeling of Text (MOT).
                        The Interaction in this stage has characteristics of individual between students and teacher (teacher-students), but in the end entangles activity of students and students (students-students). This activity can be done in the pair activity form (pair works), three (triads) or in small group (small groups, maximum 5 peoples). Pair activity has characteristics of conference where students report and or demonstrate their text which have been produced.
                        Learning activity (KBM) available to be developed in Independent Construction of Text (ICOT) as follows: (a) outline schematic structure, (b) drafting of text, (c) sequencing activities, (d) taking note exercises, (e) drafting and editing exercises, (f) vocabulary exercises, (g) independent analysis of text, (h) join analysis of text, and (i) independent production of text (Yusra, 2007).
                        Purpose of which will be reached in this stage as follows: (a) give opportunity to students for applying their skills and knowledge self-supporting, (b) assess ability of students produce text and evaluate readiness in understanding of their text and produce text hereinafter, (c) give opportunity to teacher for giving individual aid to students in producing text.
                        Based on the above explanation, the writer pointed out that to apply the Teaching and Learning Stages (TLS) was able to be effective, efficient and systemic in teaching and learning. 

Joint Construction of Text Method

                        The third part is Joint Construction of Text (JCOT) is activity jointly between students and teacher or students and students. In this stage, the students and the teacher utilize knowledge (shared knowledge) they concern the text which have been developed in Modeling of Text to jointly produce the text verbally or written. For example, the students and teacher can joint, fill, or equip accident reporting (accident report form) which have been written in blackboard or decanted in OHT (overhead transparency) by utilizing case befalling one of the student. In other case, the teacher can provide reading, students joint to do something, they show their understanding.  For example, reorganize random picture.
                        Interaction in Join Construction of Text (JCOT) has characteristics of classical between students and teacher, but generally entangle students in pair (pair works), three (triads) or in small group (small groups, maximum 5 peoples). The teacher interaction with all students in class (teacher-students) and then student divided so that interaction by one another (students-students).
                        Learning activity (KBM) available to being developed in Join Construction of Text stage (JCOT) as follows: (a) oral discussion of text (solution of text verbally), (b) outlining schematic structure (make sketch of text format), (c) taking note exercises (noting important information), (d) drafting and editing exercises (practice design and repair text), (e) grouping/pair texts of parts of text (practice make text device or part of text in pair or team), (f) sequencing activities (practice reorganize part of text which have been random), (g) matching activities (practice matching name of part of text with contents of text), (h) discussion of text (solution of contents text), (i) discussion of oral versus written text (practice compare written language and oral language), (j) discussion of relationship between writer and reader (practice differentiate the relation of reader and writer in many text types), (k) discussion of vocabulary (practice vocabulary relevant, and (l) exercise for reading and writing strategies (practice related to strategy communication) (Yusra, 2007).
                                Purpose of wishing reached in Join Construction of Text (JCOT) as follows: (a) give additional aid to students before their self-supporting produce text, (b) give opportunity to students for utilizing technical term of linguistics which have introduced in Modeling of Text (MOT), (c) give opportunity to the students for discussing the type of the text which is taught, (d) the application of skills and knowledge which have been taught, (e) give opportunity to teacher for assessing ability and skills of students before assigning them for producing text self-supporting, (f) give opportunity to students for consciously example of model text when new text produced.

Modeling of Text Method

                 Modeling of Text. In this stage, the teacher can analyze text so that the students understand in making process. In scientific term, this process is called deconstruction; that is selecting process and construction component analysis in order it can be reconstructed. This second process is called reconstruction. The text analysis usually focused on genre element (schematic structure) or frame schematic from text which is taught and features of vocabulary and relevant structure to the text and it is schematic frame. Schematic Framework analysis and features this language also related to the cultural context and the types of the text. Terms of technique can be applied in this stage; however they have to be adapted by student’s level. But that way, the students have to be supplied empirically so that they recognize and can utilize technical term of linguistics which related to the contexts, language and text so that they become genius.
                        Learning activity (KBM) available to be developed in Modeling of Text stage as follows: (a) categorizing different types text of the text (group various text types), (b) outlining stage of text (make sketch of text format), (c) highlighting different linguistic features (analyze features relevant language to text type), (d) circling vocabulary items (identifying and analyzing relevant vocabulary), (e) comparing of similar and different texts (compare text type), (f) comparing of spoken and written language form (compare oral and written), (g) sequencing activities related to the text structure (giving practices according to many part in frameworks schematic text) (Yusra, 2007).
                        Interaction in Modeling of Text stage begins in the classical where the teacher shares dominantly. The teacher interactions with all the students in class (teacher-students).

Building Knowledge of Field Method

                  Building Knowledge of Field. In this stage, the students and teacher build their understanding about texts that discussed in the classroom. This understanding includes things that related to the cultural context where the text is produced, aspect and purpose of social (social purposes) that want to be gained by the author through the text, shared knowledge and experience between students and teacher and also students and students, recognition of relevant vocabulary with text (control of relevant vocabulary), and recognition of sentences patterns (grammatical patterns). Other aspect needed to develop in this stage is accustomed or not accustomed the students with text type which will utilize and also ability of oral language students before they are involved in written.
                        The available learning activity (KBM) that is developed in BKOF stage are as follows: (a) brainstorming (developing readiness and understanding of students concerning to the text which will be taught), (b) developing understanding of students concerning relevant vocabulary, (c) sequencing of visuals (students arrange the pictures in visual media), (d) discussion of visuals related to the contexts (study interrelationship of visual picture with context), (e) discussion of experiences in the native culture (study of relevant experience in local culture), (f) discussion of experiences in the target culture (study of relevant experience in English-speaking culture), (g) general text identification exercises (practice in recognizing of general text with the text type which will be discussed), (h) text categorization exercises (text categorizing drilled), (i) prediction activities (practice of guess text hereinafter), (j) matching activities (practice of make a match picture with word, word with the synonym, etc), (k) recognition activities (practice of recognize format writing of text) (Yusra, 2007).
                        Interaction in BKOF stage generally begins classically and ended by pair works or the small activity group (triads, small groups). The teacher interaction with all students in the classroom (teacher-students) and then students are divided in order they can interact to another one (students-students).

Reading Comprehension Method

Comprehension strategies are conscious plans sets of steps that good readers use to make sense of text. Comprehension strategy instruction helps students become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own reading comprehension. The seven strategies here appear to have a firm scientific basis for improving text comprehension (Adler, 2004: Accessed from
1.      Monitoring comprehension
2.      Metacognition or thinking about thinking
3.      Graphic and semantic organizers
4.      Answering question
5.      Generating question
6.      Recognizing story structure
7.      Summarizing
              Students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) in basic reading, reading comprehension, and dyslexia need effective strategies to understand what they read and to remember details of what they have read. This strategy can also help non-disabled students improve reading comprehension and retention. The PQ4R strategy is a good study skill that can be adapted for students of all ages. This strategy will improve the student's reading comprehension. It also may improve recall of facts by as much as 70%. PQ4R is an acronym for Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review. Use the PQ4R strategy with new reading material to improve comprehension and retention, which can lead to better grades and improved achievement in all school subject areas, here are the steps :
1.              Preview:  Look through the pages of your reading passage and read the headings of the chapter and any sections dividing the chapter. Read the first and last paragraph in each section. View the illustrations in each section. Read the captions under the pictures and take a few minutes to look at charts, graphs, or maps.
2.              Question: Think about the information you learned in the Preview. Ask yourself questions about it. Think about what do you already know about ideas you saw during your Preview. What do you think are main points that will be raised in the chapter? What do you expect to learn from reading this material?
3.              Read: Read the passage. If there are ideas seem important, make a note of them on paper. If the book belongs to you, consider making notes in the margins and highlight important parts in the book. If you just can not imagine writing in your book, make notes on paper.
4.              Reflect: Take time to reflect on what you have read. How are the passages or chapters inter-related? How does the information fit into things you have already learned? What new information did you learn? Did the passage include the information you expected it to cover? Was there information that surprised you?
5.              Recite: Think about the material. Discuss it with someone else or write down the main points you learned. Generally, writing information down by hand will improve memory of the material. If writing is a problem for you, consider brief notes or discuss the material with other students. It is important to summarize the material in writing using your own words. Explain it aloud to someone else or recite your notes aloud to yourself. Consider using a graphic organizer to increase your understanding of how concepts in the reading relate to each other.
6.              Review: Consider the main points of the material. Were your questions answered? Do you feel that the writer's points are fully understood ( Logsdon,2010:Accessed from ).

Rally Coach Method

In (Kagan, 2004: 68) Rally Coach is part of cooprative learning that means a small group, where each in group of students working together to achieve common goals. Students work together to learn and take responsibility for teaching their teammates as well as their own.
Steps for the Strategy of Rally Coach:
1)      Pair Shoulder Partners. Determine who is A and who is B.
2)      Present a problem for which there is only one correct answer.
3)      Partner A solves the problem while Partner B coaches, checks the accuracy of the answer and praises.
4)      If the answer is incorrect, Partner B coaches Partner A to the correct answer.
Management Tips of Rally Coach
1.      Use only one sheet of paper and pencil to ensure that the partner who coaches, focuses on coaching.
2.      A sheet defining the roles of each partner may be helpful when first using this strategy with students.
3.      Model good coaching for the students, including the difference between coaching and giving the answer.
4.      Shoulder partners work better than face partners, making it easier for both students to view the paper.
Social Skills of Rally Coach
1.      Coaching
2.      Patience
3.      Requesting and offering help
2.      Giving and accepting praise
3.      Appropriate noise level
4.      Giving and accepting constructive criticism
The Advantages of Rally Coach
The Advantages of Rally Coach are as follows:
a.       It can be applied at any level.
b.      It is oriented on efficiency.
c.       Encouraging students to learn from one another.
d.      Motivating students naturally.
e.       Promoting discussion more effectively.
f.       Students learn how to be independent from the teacher and work together cooperatively.
The Disadvantages of Rally Coach
The disadvantages of Rally Coach are as follows:
a.       It takes a lot of time.
b.      Some students can’t work well in group.
c.       It takes a lot of preparation, materials and effort from the teacher.
d.      Classroom management is quite hard to handle (Kagan. 2004: 6.8).