Saturday, January 18, 2014

Rally Coach Method

In (Kagan, 2004: 68) Rally Coach is part of cooprative learning that means a small group, where each in group of students working together to achieve common goals. Students work together to learn and take responsibility for teaching their teammates as well as their own.
Steps for the Strategy of Rally Coach:
1)      Pair Shoulder Partners. Determine who is A and who is B.
2)      Present a problem for which there is only one correct answer.
3)      Partner A solves the problem while Partner B coaches, checks the accuracy of the answer and praises.
4)      If the answer is incorrect, Partner B coaches Partner A to the correct answer.
Management Tips of Rally Coach
1.      Use only one sheet of paper and pencil to ensure that the partner who coaches, focuses on coaching.
2.      A sheet defining the roles of each partner may be helpful when first using this strategy with students.
3.      Model good coaching for the students, including the difference between coaching and giving the answer.
4.      Shoulder partners work better than face partners, making it easier for both students to view the paper.
Social Skills of Rally Coach
1.      Coaching
2.      Patience
3.      Requesting and offering help
2.      Giving and accepting praise
3.      Appropriate noise level
4.      Giving and accepting constructive criticism
The Advantages of Rally Coach
The Advantages of Rally Coach are as follows:
a.       It can be applied at any level.
b.      It is oriented on efficiency.
c.       Encouraging students to learn from one another.
d.      Motivating students naturally.
e.       Promoting discussion more effectively.
f.       Students learn how to be independent from the teacher and work together cooperatively.
The Disadvantages of Rally Coach
The disadvantages of Rally Coach are as follows:
a.       It takes a lot of time.
b.      Some students can’t work well in group.
c.       It takes a lot of preparation, materials and effort from the teacher.
d.      Classroom management is quite hard to handle (Kagan. 2004: 6.8).


  1. it is a pair strategy, will it work with more number of students (3-5) in a group??
